Greenwood Plumbing & Heating

Air Conditioning / Air Handler Replacement


Air Handler Replacement

Need to repair or replace your air handler? Call 401-738-9245 for immediate service in Warwick, RI.

Air handlers circulate the air throughout your home. A variable speed air handler functions by controlling the motor that operates the handler’s fan. If you are noticing problems with your current unit, contact Greenwood Plumbing & Heating for professional solutions.

What are the Benefits of an Efficient Air Handler?

An air handler that uses a variable speed is always running. The handler then gradually transitions from a low and high setting, depending on the amount of speed that is needed.

You can expect the following benefits from an efficiently working air handler:

Greater energy efficiency: A variable speed air handler is known for its energy efficiency. This is possible because the unit functions at a low level. Although the system does not turn on and off, energy savings are still possible.

Quiet operation: A variable speed air handler is also quiet. Other kinds of air handlers produce loud noises when they turn on and off. However, a variable speed air handler is not as loud because it runs all of the time.

Improved air quality: This is important for many homeowners. Because a variable air handler does not turn off, the quality of your indoor air will improve, as the air is always traveling through the dehumidifier and air filter. These devices remove moisture and air particles.

Improved comfort: Overall comfort also improves. The unit uses several speeds, so maintaining a consistent temperature is easier. Your home will not be blasted with cold or hot air all of the time. Instead, you’ll get a consistent temperature that’s comfortable for the entire household.

Having Problems With Your Air Handler?

Have a contaminated or dirty blower motor? This is caused by mold, which can affect the air quality. To avoid inhaling dangerous bacteria, the air filters will need to be inspected and replaced. We recommend regular AC filter replacement at least every two to three months.

Call today at 401-738-9245 for timely air handler services and get back to enjoying a reliable air conditioning system!